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Animal Guides Looking at animal guides with the thought that honoring an animal is not the same as worshipping one. Native Americans used to l leave tobacco as a gift for animals. Honoring animal wisdom and energy is also a tribute to them. Learning about what animals symbolize to help you find your path. See also Animal Symbology Atlantis Rising in Au - Trainers in Australia. Auras and Chakras Explains Auras and Chakras and contains glossary. Medicine
Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals\
Describes a book and card set by Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams and Dave Carson. From the teachings from the Choctaw, Lakota, Seneca, Aztec, Yaqui, Cheyenne, Cherokee, Iroquois, and Mayan traditions, the authors have chosen 44 animals considered as guides. The accompanying book explains the lesson we can learn from
the characteristics and behavior of each animal. For example, Just go to the site and enjoy. From Earth Star Chakra to Chakra's 1-12, explanations of body location, Sanskrit descriptions, symbols, crystals that work on, etc. Chakras Locations and Names Chakra names (common reference and Sanskrit) and locations on this site mostly dedicated to love. Contains a skeletal view. (Skeleton). More on Love Chakras - Cleansing and Balancing Chakras The author of this site offers cleansing and balancing service for your chakras but also provides a very helpful analogy regarding what Cleansin and Balancing can do for you. The analogy is to an automobile. Read the paragraph beginning The best way I can explain it is by using a car as an example. Dave's Story Elements Division (Tera Mai Raiki Seichim System) short explanations of Reiki, Sakara, Sophi-El and Angelic Light Tips on Reiki Healing This site explains a variety of Healing types - Sekkem, Seichim, Raiki, combination, Kormanu, etc. Frequency Balancing The purpose of frequency balancing includes the clearing, balancing, aligning and restructuring the cmponents of an individual's energy system to improve health, reduce stress, and enable emotional and mental balance. It is a supplement to traditional medicine. Judy Di Canio explains the work of frequency balancers and offers training and treatment. Chakra Oils Colors Mysteries of the Mind Teaser (but a good one) for book by Richard Lawrence with recommendations of books . The teaser is an extract from 'Unlock Your Psychic Powers' by Dr. Richard Lawrence Published by Souvenir Press ©1993. Dr. Richard Lawrence, as Executive Secretary for Europe of The Aetherius Society, an international Spiritual organization centered on New Age ideas and practices. Dr. Lawrence has lectured and researched extensively throughout his career and is a posychic practictioner. Tune up your chakras and move into realms of higher love Reiki Attunement Sensing Auras 3 Exercises for sensing auras. Seichim *** Seichim Myths Spirit Guides Introduction to Animal Guides, Totems, Animal Medicine. Site by Takatoka. Tera Mai and Seichim Training UK What is a Chakra? Chakra Charts to purchase Chakra cd Animal Guide Meditation Explains how to relate to your animal guide and how to find your animal guide through a special meditation. The Secondary Chakras Chart listing the Secondary Chakras (front and rear) and psycho-auric zone each pertains to. What are Chakras Chakras, locations and relationship to sickness and health. pparanormal About reaching a high state of consciousness. Exercises. The Radiance Technique - Authentic Reiki - Historical Perspectives - Dr. Usui Etheral Body - Historical perspective, first hand account. Crystal Lotus - Convergence of Knowledge Inner Healing with Chakras Working with the belief behind the power of the chakras and their meanings on a physical, mental and spiritual level, can cover all types of problems and bring back personal power. Detailed discussion of the main chakras. Twelfth Chakra or Secondary Chakra System - Diagram of secondary chakra system from book by Cyndi Dale "New Chakra Healing". Mahatma Tape 1 tape 2 tape 3 tape 4 Tapes 5 and 6 Diane Stein Diane Stein II Universal Seichim Symbols Reiki Symbols London Tera Mei Seichim Symbols Reiki Branches Symbols Symbols Seichim story Reiki and Seichim Art and Graphics Seichim 7th Facet (Renegade Reiki) cards Isis Seichim Workshop description Mystical Fonts Usui-Tibetan Reiki Symbols Raiki Seichim Symbols (Rahcreative site) |
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