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Heroes: Eric Lax has written "The Mold in Dr. Flory's Coat", telling the real story of how the development of penicillin came about. Although Alexander Fleming is the name we learn in school, there is a great measure of injustice in the way the credit has been distributed for the discovery and by exploring the penicillin saga, Eric Lax does a great service to history. Read this review in the New York Times. "I knew nothing of books when I came forth from the womb of my mother, and I shall die without books, with another human hand in my own. I do, indeed, close my door at times and surrender myself to a book, but only because I can open the door again and see a human being looking at me." Martin Buber [more Martin Buber Quotes] From the Webmaster: You'll find here a strange combination of people.. found while searching, usually, for something else. Some are famous, some almost-unheard-of, some are dead, some are living. If I could, I might put half the people in the world here. Every person is a story in himself, made by his times, him/herself, and the people and circumstances met along the way. There are no boring people, just people we know nothing about. If people interest you alot, consider giving someone (or yourself) a gift:
Famous People with .... Famous People with MS Famous People with Disabilities Famous People with the Gift of Dyslexia Famous Dyslexics Famous People with Attention Disorders and Learning Disabilities No More Ritalin Org - Famous People with AD and LD Famous People with Schizophrenia Famous People with Mood Disorders Famous People with Autistic Traits Other Lists: Most Influential Baby Boomers Steven Spielberg, Steven Jobs, Bill Clinton, Michael Milken, Oprah Winfrey, Edward Witten, Bill Gates, Bob Pittman, Michael Jordan, Roseanne, Rush Limbaugh, John Belushi, Jann Wenner, Madonna, Ralph Reed, Ben Cohen, Mike Ovitz, Bruce Springsteen, Earvin Johnson, Gary Trudeau, Bert Vogelstein, Maya Lin, Randy Shilts, Hillary Clinton, William Kristol, Craig McCaw, Annie Liebovitz, Matt Groening, David Letterman, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Wynton Marsalis, Oliver Stone, Dean Ornish (health), O. J. Simpson, Susan Faludi, Donna, karan, David Mamet, Spike Lee, Karen Silkwood, Larry Forgione, Michael Jackson, Jodie Foster, Howard Stern, Mark Morris, Clarence Thomas, Frances COllins, Steven Brill, Steven Brill, Tony Kushner, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk People: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A- Jane Addams Joseph Addison Alexander of Macedonia [ancient sources] [student and academic articles ] Alexander Bio Links - Alexander site of Valerio Massimo Manfredi Alexander Links - 1000 links in 30 categories Alexandra (of Nicholas & Alexandra) Alexandra - "The Real Tsarita" by a friend of the Alexandra's Isabel Allende Hans Christian Anderson Lance Armstrong Hanan Ashrawi - Conversation with Kemal Ataturk B- Babe Ruth Johann Sebastian Bach Leo Baekeland Josephine Baker Barnes Foundation Founder - Dr . Barnes Dr. Barnes Barnes Circle of Friends (Gertrude and Leo Stein, Ambroise Vollard, Dewey) Clara Barton Warren Beatty William Bechtel Ludwig van Beethoven Menachem Begin (1948 USA letter against - to New York Times) Ruth Behar (anthropoligist, poet, writer) Saul Bellow Saul Bellow David Ben-Gurion Irving Berlin(1) Irving Berlin (2) - see page bottom Tim Berners-Lee , (2), (3), Tim Berners_Lee Leornard Bernstein Nellie Bly Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Jane Cochran) Bio Clare Luce Booth Sir William Bragg - 1862-1942 - Physicist - founded a new branch of science of the greatest importance and significance, the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays. Tycho Brahe - 16th century Dutch Astronomer Louis Braille Donato Bramante - High Renaissance style architect Constantin Brancusi - Romanian Sculptor George Braque - artist Wernher von Braun - Rocket Scientist Bertold Brecht - poet, playwright, performer Myra Breckinridge Percy Williams Bridgman (1882-1961) - physics of materials at very high pressure John Bright Louis-Victor, duc de Broglie - physicist Bronte Family John Brown Robert Brown - Physicist - studied the continuous motion of particles suspended in a fluid. Robert Browning - Victorian Poet Anton Bruckner - 1824- 1896 original symphonic composer Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446) - Architect (Il Duomo, Florence) - architect, inventor, applier of perspective. Martin Buber (Philosopher) Martin Buber Quotes Martin Buber on Education Martin Buber on Environment Martin Buber Links Buddha (born 563 B.C.) George-Louis Leclerc Buffon - 1707-1785 - naturalist Rudolf Bultmann - Theological scholar and demythologizer of the New Testament Luis Bunuel - filmaker John Bunyon - 1628-1688 - author of The Holy War and Pilgrims Progress Jacob Burckhardt 1818 - Scholar of History and Art of the classical period. Read online Jacob Burckhardt's The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy and David Melson's Jacob Burckhardt: History as Education and Culture. Jacob Burckhardt - portrait woodcut by Albert Kruger. Jacob Burckhardt was responsible for the idea of a European Renaissance which he characterized as the beginning of European's conceptualizing autonomy of individuals. Edmund Burke - 1729 - Statesman, orator, polical thinker. Friend of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith, Sir Joshua Reynolds, David Garrick Leo Burnett Robert Burns - (1759 - 1796) Scottish national poet Sir Richard Burton - 1821 - scholar, explorer, soldier, poet, botanist, ethnologist. Translated ARabian Nights and translated folk tales and erotica of East. Knew 40 dialects and languages (25 languages). His Catholic wife burned his 40 year old collection of diaries and journas and his work on the new annotated translation of the "Perfumed Garden" out of worry for the reflection upon his character of these documents. Burton successfully visited Harer in Somaliland (a city for which it foreign entrance was forbidden), and Mecca and Medina. He discovered Lake Tanganyika. George Bush Sr. - Unauthorized Biography George W. Bush (the White House connection) Samuel Butler - 1835-1902 - novelist, essayist, critic. Author of Erewhon (nowhere) and The Way of All Flesh. George Bernard Shaw called him the greatest English writer of the second half of the 19th Century. Richard Byrd (1888 - 1957) Antarctic Explorer - designed navigational aids for aircraft, flew over North Pole (1926), West to East transaltlantic flight 1927, Antartic Expeditions. In 1934 Byrd was trapped alone in a hut at very low temperatures for 5 months. When he was found he was suffering not just from effects of the cold but also from carbon -monoxide poisoning. William Byrd - (1543-1623) - Greatest English composer of the age of Shakespeare. Lord Byron (1788-1824) Poet and satirist. Symbolized romantic melancholy and aspirations of political liberalism. He is also a symbol of Greek patriotism. A
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