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"If I had money to spend, I would buy some [pictures] and take them back.  Mr. Leverett says it would do them good -- not the pictures, but the Bangor folks.  He thinks everything of the French, too, and says we don't make nearly enough of them. I couldn't help telling them the other day that at any rate they make enough of themselves. " 
Excerpted from "A Bundle of Letters" 
by Henry James (1843-1916)

French Sumbersion

Top Francophile Websites

Activities - Cooking, Birding, Butterfly Collection
Old Scrote's French Food 
Cooking: French Recipes  
Birding: France's Birding Hotspots
Birds:  Bordeaux, La Dordogne, Massif Central 
Butterflies of France
Brush Up on French Verbs While Drinking Coffee? 
Education: Firing the French Part of Your Brain

French Art Scene 
Introduction to the Art and Architecture of France
Photographs with subject France - Michael Kenna

French Customs
France's Social Customs
In August there should be an airport sign: "Gone Fishing"
Wisdom & Language Combine  - French Proverb Mugs!

French Dance Scene
Ballet and Dance in France
Square Dance in France

French Film Scene (Cinema)
French Film Site
French Film History
French Realism and Cinema Verite
Truffaut (French)
Popular Video: Amelie
Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet (who codirected DELICATESSEN and THE CITY OF LOST CHILDREN with Marc Caro) directed AMÉLIE. Black and white renders short biographies of each character with a documentary air. This fairy tale takes place in the funny, curious and unusual world of Amelie. (And if you don't understand all the verbs .. try improving your Verb power while drinking coffee! 
Film_French: Firing the French Part of Your Brain

General Info.
Introduction to Scattered French Islands
CIA Factbook
Wisdom & Language Combine  - French Proverb Mugs!

French History 
Historic Maps of Paris
French History Web Links of Professor Zoe Schneider
Reading History in French: Firing the French Part of Your Brain

French Language
Survival French
Wisdom & Language Combine  - French Proverb Mugs!
Introduction to French Verbs
Introduction to French Adverbs
Topical Introduction to French
French Linguistics
Gifts for French Lanuage Students (and for yourself)
French Verbs on Mugs - A Great Way to Learn French

French Literature
French Literature Sources- Bobst Library NYU
Old French Literature
French Women Writers
French Texts
Early Modern French Literature
19th Century French Literature
Carrie (electronic library) French Literature
Introduction to French Literature
Firing the French Part of Your Brain

 French Music Scene 
Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour
Charles Aznavour Lyrics
Jane Birken
Serge Gainesbourg Lyrics
Yves Montand - Lyrics of  70 songs
Edith Piaf
Verbs in French Songs: Firing the French Part of Your Brain

French Poetry
Bibliomania - Collected French Poems
French Poetry since 1950
French Poetry
Club de Poetes
Online French Poetry Festival
Poetry Aix de Provence
Verbs in French Poems: Firing the French Part of Your Brain

French Radio
Radio/Audio - Explore the left navigation panel
Wisdom & Language Combine  - French Proverb Mugs!

French Reading Room (Permanent Feature)
French Periodicals Online
Le Figaro
Paris Match
French On-Line Encyclopedia
Verbs in History & Gen Info.: Firing the French Part of Your Brain

France Sightseeing
Must Sees of Paris

France Sightseeing - Personal Sites and Anecdotes

Before you go!: Firing the French Part of Your Brain
Learn to Dance in France
Learn to Paint in France (or continue Painting in France)
Wisdom & Language Combine  - French Proverb Mugs!
Writing, Yoga, Dance, Reflexology, Relaxation, Massage, Aromatherapy, Alexander Tech 
See  UNESCO Sites 

French Theatre (Drama)

French TV Lounge

Before you visit Frances: Get Back on the  French Track 

  • Mont-Saint-Michel and its Bay (1979 ) 
  • Chartres Cathedral (1979 ) 
  • Palace and Park of Versailles (1979 ) 
  • Vézelay, Church and Hill (1979 ) 
  • Decorated Grottoes of the Vézère Valley (1979 ) 
  • Palace and Park of Fontainebleau (1981 ) 
  • Amiens Cathedral(1981 )Amiens Cathedral (1981) 
  • Roman Theatre and its Surroundings and the "Triumphal Arch" of Orange (1981 ) 
  • Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles (1981 ) 
  • Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay (1981 ) 
  • Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans (1982 ) 
  • Place Stanislas, Place de la Carrière and Place d'Alliance in Nancy (1983 ) 
  • Church of Saint-Savin sur Gartempe (1983 ) 
  • Cape Girolata, Cape Porto, Scandola Nature Reserve and the Piana Calanches in Corsica (1983 ) 
  • Pont du Gard (Roman Aqueduct) (1985 ) 
  • Strasbourg - Grande île (1988 ) 
  • Paris, Banks of the Seine (1991 ) 
  • Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Former Abbey of Saint-Remi and Palace of Tau, Reims (1991 ) 
  • Bourges Cathedral (1992 ) 
  • Historic Centre of Avignon (1995 ) 
  • Canal du Midi (1996 ) 
  • Historic Fortified City of Carcassonne (1997 ) 
  • Pyrénées - Mont Perdu (1997 , 1999 ) * 
  • Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France (1998 ) 
  • Historic Site of Lyons (1998 ) 
  • Jurisdiction of Saint-Emilion (1999 ) 
  • The Loire Valley between Sully-sur-Loire and Chalonnes (2000 ) 
  • Provins, Town of Medieval Fairs (2001 )

  • How's Your French?  You can make it better!
    Click Here for Better French

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