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Reading Help Your Child Learn to Read with Starfall This is such a great site for helping your little person learn to read in English. English is really easy to read. There are long sounds and short sounds for vowels and then there are combinations of vowels. There are only 5 vowels. 5 long sounds. 5 short sounds. The long sounds are just like the name of the letter. The short sounds usually come between two consonants. So even if you are not a native English speaker, you can help your child to read English with ease. Click here to access Starfall. If you have any trouble, consult with me: Yvonneguttmann@gmail.com. Reading Practice These are great short selections, with sound files, for building your child's confidence in reading English. The words are simple and the stories make sense. A wide variety of subjects is introduced. If you are learning a different language, trying to translate these selections to that language can be a great exercise. Basic vocabulary; basic building blocks; basic, uncomplicated sentence structures. What more can you ask? Click Reading Practice now! Memory Games Kids love Memory Games. And their good for you old-timers as well. At each level, the child learns differently. Memory Game - Animals Be sure to have the child repeat the word he hears and actively associate it with the picture. To keep the games fresh, let them be a reward and a limited activity. It is the child's earned privilege to play them (earned just by being a good child, not by scholastic achievement!!) The animals in this game are farm animals. Memory Game - Animals The animals in this game are wild animals that you find in the forest or jungle... a bit more scary. Memory Game - Animals In this game, which is about insects, their are words that are not familiar even to many of us grown-ups. But go ahead. It's a learning experience and one of the objects is deciphering the reading code! Memory Games - Body1 Basic parts of the body -- a little tricky. Why? Because you have both singular and plurals of same body part. Memory Games - Body2 More body parts - singlular and plural. Memory Game Face Parts of the face - singular and plural. Memory Game - Food Common foods from your table and fridge Memory Game - Carbs Emphasis on high carb foods ---- Good for adult students who need to diet ... what not to eat. Memory Game - Fruits Pay special attention to the singular/plural of cherry/cherries, peach/peaches Memory Game - Play and Activities Memory Game - School 1 Activities and equipment Memory Game - School 2 Activities and Equipment Memory Game - Occupations Equipment and Expressions Memory Game - Family, Emotions and Adjectives Flashcard memory game Memory Game - Weather and More Word Matching Game Elephant Art - Can you describe what happens in this video? Elephant Artists More About Elephant Art Elephant Artists Native Speaker Kid Magazines and Newspapers Time Magazine for Kids Sports Illustrated for Kids
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How's Your French? You can make it better! Click Here for Better French ![]() ![]()
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